Toothache for Xmas?
No need to worry – we are open throughout the Xmas break. Our Smales Farm (Takapuna) and Eastridge (Eastern Bays) practices are open from 9am – 4pm daily. We are closed on Christmas Day and New Years Day. We are back to normal hours on the 6th of January. If you need to book an emergency or urgent appointment you can call Smales Farm on 094109971 or Eastridge on 095212021 or book online. We ask for your patience over this busy period and we will endeavour to get you sorted as quickly as possible. Merry Xmas and a happy new year from the team at Tooth Co.
Needing a Root Canal can create a bit of anxiety,”Does it hurt?”, “Do they work?” The truth is root canal treatment is painless thanks to modern anaesthetics and performed correctly they are a very successful treatment.
A root canal is required when the nerve inside of a tooth becomes infected (abscess) or is dead (necrotic) and this is often accompanied by toothache. The nerve lives inside of the root of a tooth. The treatment cleans the infected nerve out of the root space and the root space is then sealed to prevent reinfection.
Partial Pulpectomy (Pain Relief))
The dentist will place a medicated dressing in the tooth. The tooth is usually dressed for 7 days. The majority of the toothache pain should subside within 12-24 hours following this stage of treatment.
Cleaning and Shaping
The dentist begins the widening of the root spaces to allow for special cleaning irrigants to penetrate and disinfect the canals down to the end of the root. Once cleaned and disinfected the tooth is then redressed and a temporary filling is placed. The next appointment is usually a week later.
Sealing Once the tooth has settled and is pain free the disinfected root canal is sealed to prevent reinfection.
We always recommend a Dental Crown once treatment has been completed. The reason for this is when a root canal is finished the tooth is often very weak and fragile and If the tooth is not crowned you run the risk of a crack splitting the tooth and the tooth being lost.
There is a lot of variation in the anatomy of teeth between Individuals. The number of canals determines the fee. Molars are always the most complex root canal treatments as they have up to 5 canals to clean and seal.
Price Range $1935 (Incisor) -$2649(Molar) Includes the filling in price
Partial Pulpectomy – Relief of Pain $685