The Tooth Company Auckland

Welcome to Britomart.

Book Appointment

Welcome to Britomart.

The Tooth Company Britomart opened its doors in 2013 following the success of the Smales Farm clinic. The Tooth Company sits alongside some of New Zealand’s most forward thinking innovative businesses with in the thriving Britomart precinct. The Tooth Company Britomart has been a finalist in multiple interior awards and the boutique dental practice has a highly skilled team of dentists and hygienists. If you are looking for a dentist Auckland CBD our central location is handy to Parnell, Ponsonby, Grey Lynn and Newmarket.

The Tooth Company Britomart has extended hours throughout the week, based around busy corporate schedules. Appointments are available early morning and also late nights throughout the week. Monday – Thursday 8am-6pm. Friday 8am-4pm.

Britomart is quickly becoming a destination for health and beauty in Auckland with The Tooth Company sitting alongside its neighbours – The Face PlaceRyder and Les Mills.

Parking is readily available at The Britomart Carpark and Britomart is the main public transport hub in Auckland.

Contact us.

Book Appointment

(09) 379 0099
[email protected]

Opening Hours
Monday – Friday 8am onwards

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54 Customs Street East
Auckland Central 1010

american association of orthodontics Southern Cross The Royal college of surgeons of Edinburgh Southern Cross NZD member NZSSD NZSSD Auckland Dental association NZACD NZAO