What ‘s your advice to people who are unhappy with their smiles? “Start with a smile assessment to work out exactly what you’re unhappy about. We can do mock- ups of what we can achieve, which helps you tosee the possible end result. Anything is possible! A makeover is a very rewarding experience for both […]
Let’s face it – nobody enjoys going to the dentist. But at The Tooth Company, the ultra-modern fitout and the funky surroundings of the Britomart precinct aim to make up for an unpleasant undertaking. With a flagship store in Smales Farm, Takapuna, The Tooth Company opened the doors to its second premises at the start […]
The creators of New Zealand’s most stylish, attractive and effective retail spaces were celebrated at the 2015 Red Awards on Saturday at Auckland’s swanky Mantells on the Water. More than 150 attendees from within the retail design and shopfitting industry turned out, and television journalist Hilary Barry hosted the event. Auckland dental clinic The Tooth […]